In order to use a PREMIUM subscription on another device, you need to log in to the account you are subscribed to. This subscription is the same for all PROMT.One services.

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The process of unsubscribing depends on how it was issued. Subscription can be issued in several ways:

  • in the PROMT.One web service (located at;
  • in the PROMT.One application under Android mobile platforms;
  • in the PROMT.One application under iOS mobile platforms.

Method 1: if the subscription was registered in the PROMT.One web service, you should:
  1. Go to the web service PROMT.One;
  2. Authorize the account;
  3. Go to the profile by selecting the corresponding icon in the upper right corner;
  4. Follow the link "More", which is located in the subscription information section; This will redirect to;
  5. In case of the first visit to this site, register using the order number or email;
  6. After registration, log in to the created account at;
  7. After that, in the window with information about orders, click “View Order”;
  8. Next, select the "Product History";
  9. To cancel the automatic renewal of a subscription, click the “Disable” button;
  10. To confirm the changes, click the "Save" button.
Method 2: if the subscription is registered in the PROMT.One application for Android (in the Google Play), you should:
  1. Open the Google Play application;
  2. Make sure that you are logged into the Google account under which the purchase of the subscription was performed;
  3. On the left of the screen, select the menu item "My Subscriptions";
  4. Find the subscription you want to cancel;
  5. Select "Configure", and then "Unsubscribe".
Method 3: if the subscription is registered in the PROMT.One application under IOS (in the AppStore), you should:
  1. Open the AppStore application;
  2. Go to your profile (“Apple ID” at the top of the screen);
  3. Go to the "Subscriptions" section;
  4. Select the desired subscription and delete it.
The information in this article applies to the following products:

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In order to subscribe in the PROMT One application, you need to do the following:
  • Run «PROMT.One» application;
  • Go to the menu item "Update to Premium";
  • Log in (register or log in to your PROMT account);
  • Click on the “Best Deal” button or price button;
  • Click on the “Subscribe” button.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
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In the free application "PROMT ONE" there is a restriction on translation - 3000 characters (in case authentication was not performed in the PROMT account) and 10000 characters (if authentication was performed). In the paid application "PROMT Offline" translation restrictions are always equal to 3000 characters.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline, PROMT.One
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Offline voice input does not work.

In order for the function "voice input offline" to become available, you should:
  • Go to device settings;
  • Select the menu item "Language and input"-"Google voice input";
  • Select the item "offline Speech Recognition";
  • Go to the tab "All";
  • Download the required language packs.

Please note that the function "voice input offline" is only available on devices with the operating system version Android 4.1.1 and higher. In other cases, an active Internet connection is required to use the dictation function on the device.
The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline, PROMT.One

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The application does not translate offline.

For the application to work offline, you need to make sure that:
  1. The application has a PREMIUM subscription;
  2. The application logged into the account for which a subscription was issued;
  3. The device has offline packages for the necessary transfer directions. To check the installation of packages, you need to go to the "Download" section in the side menu of the application and select the desired direction.
  4. Mobile data is disabled on the device. In cases where the device is in roaming or on a network with an unstable Internet connection, set offline transfer mode to priority. How to do this is described in the article: How to configure the use of downloaded offline packages by default.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
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In order for the translation in the application to always be carried out using downloaded offline packages, regardless of the fact of the presence / absence of an Internet connection, you should:

  • Go to the application settings through the side menu of the application;
  • Select the section "Translate offline";
  • Select the option “Always if a package is loaded”.

This setting may be relevant for those who are in roaming or in places with an unstable Internet connection.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
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PROMT.One translator requires Android version 4.5 and higher, as well as a minimum of 300 MB on the device to install it. The size of the required free space is determined by the size of the installed language pack (30-250 MB for one language pair, depending on the language and the selected components for installation).

The information in this article applies to the following product:
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Installing PROMT.One translator is possible on any device with the Android operating system 4.5 and higher.

The information in this article applies to the following product:
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